Human Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) prediction server
For the number of protein pairs to be predicted less than or equal to 3, the users are required to use the ‘InputType’ as ‘Sequence’, and input the sequence pair(s) to the textbox (es).
For example, if you want to know whether ‘MAAAAAAAAAA’ and ‘MBBBBBBBBBB’ interacts, whether ‘MCCCCCCCC’ and ‘MDDDDDDDD’ interacts, and whether ‘MEEEEEEEE’ and ‘MFFFFFFFF’ interacts, you should use the ‘InputType’ as ‘Sequence’ and input the sequences to textboxes like this:
For prediction pairs larger than 3, the users are required to use the ‘InputType’ as ‘SequenceFile’ and upload a file with sequence pairs listed (pure sequence, not in the fasta form). Again, if you want to know whether ‘MAAAAAAAAAA’ and ‘MBBBBBBBBBB’ interacts, whether ‘MCCCCCCCC’ and ‘MDDDDDDDD’ interacts, and whether pair3: ‘MEEEEEEEE’ and ‘MFFFFFFFF’ interacts, you should use the ‘InputType’ as ‘SeuquenceFile’ and submit a file in text format like this: